News & Updates
Stay current on the important developments and latest information that affects school nutrition.

Latest News
SNA Recognizes 2019 National Industry Member of the Year
SNA will honor Gary Vonck of KeyImpact Sales & Systems as the national Industry Member of the Year at its 73rd Annual National Conference in July in St. Louis, MO.
SNA Celebrates National Award Winners for School Lunch Hero Day (Fri. May 3)
SNA has announced winners of their annual national awards recognizing an exceptional school nutrition director, manager and employee for their efforts.
SNA Responds to School Meal Flexibilities Complaints
SNA has responded to lawsuits regarding USDA’s 2018 final rule on school meal flexibilities.
30th Annual National School Breakfast Week – March 4-8
Next week, school cafeterias across the country will celebrate NSBW with the “Start Your Engines with School Breakfast” campaign.
School Nutrition Professionals Seek Program Support & Simplification
Next week, approximately 900 school nutrition professionals from across the country will gather in Washington, D.C. for SNA’s 47th annual Legislative Action Conference.
SNA Statement on Federal Government Shutdown
SNA is urging Congress and President Trump to resolve the federal government shutdown before any lapse in school meal funding occurs. Earlier this month, USDA confirmed that states were provided adequate funds to support school meal programs through the month of March.
SNA Releases 2019 Position Paper
SNA’s 2019 Position Paper calls on Congress and the Administration to bolster school meal programs and minimize regulatory burdens.
USDA School Meal Rule Strikes a Healthy Balance
Following the announcement of a final rule on school meal flexibilities, SNA lauded Sec. Perdue for responding to feedback while ensuring students have access to appealing, nutritious meals.
SNA CEO to Be Honored with FAME Award
SNA CEO Patricia Montague, CAE, has been selected to receive the national 2019 FAME Silver Friend of Child Nutrition Award.
SNA Survey Reveals Innovative Efforts to Boost Consumption, Curb Waste in School Cafeterias
SNA has released the School Nutrition Operations Report: The State of School Nutrition 2018, based on survey responses from 1,550 school nutrition directors nationwide.
Gay Anderson Installed as 2018-2019 SNA President
During its 72nd Annual National Conference, SNA installed Gay Anderson, SNS, as president for the 2018-2019 school year. Anderson is Child Nutrition Director for Brandon Valley School District (SD).
ANC Exhibit Hall to Feature Healthy Trends for Student Meals
On July 10, SNA’s Annual National Conference in Las Vegas will open doors on the nation’s largest exhibit of foods, beverages, equipment and resources for school cafeterias.