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SNF to Honor Five National 2018 School Nutrition Heroes
SNF has announced the 2018 School Nutrition Heroes. The five Heroes were nominated by their peers and chosen by SNF because they epitomize the hardworking characteristics of those devoted to serving students and helping their communities.
SNA Releases 2018 Position Paper
SNA has issued a new call on Congress to oppose any school meal block grant proposal and provide greater support to school nutrition programs, which contribute to the health and academic success of students.
SNA Comments on USDA School Meal Rule
USDA has released an interim final rule to extend current regulatory flexibility for school meal programs through SY 2018-19. SNA commended USDA for the extension and has called for even greater flexibility under whole grain and sodium mandates to address challenges.
New SNA Survey Finds More Choices & Bold Flavors on School Menus
SNA’s 2017 School Nutrition Trends Report reveals school menus feature more international flavors, made-to-order entrees and cleaner label options. The survey also reveals challenges with sodium and whole grain standards.
Reps. McGovern & Davis Introduce “Healthy Breakfasts Help Kids Learn Act”
Reps. Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Rodney Davis (R-IL) have introduced H.R. 3738, the Healthy Breakfasts Help Kids Learn Act of 2017, to provide commodity support for the School Breakfast Program. The bill, endorsed by SNA, will allow more students to benefit from a nutritious school breakfast and enjoy a wider variety of American grown foods.
SNA Hosts Listening Session with U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue
Secretary Perdue addressed SNA’s ANC 2017 attendees and joined in a listening session with SNA leaders.
SNA Commends USDA in Supporting Practical Flexibility to Benefit School Meal Programs and Students
SNA joined U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue as he released an interim rule seeking regulatory flexibility for school meal programs.
SNA Comments on “School Lunch Shaming”
SNA issued a response to recent news reports about the treatment of students unable to pay for their school meals.
School Nutrition Professionals to Call on Congress to Protect School Meals
More than 900 school nutrition professionals are headed to Capitol Hill to urge Congress to protect and strengthen school meal programs. The effort is part of School Nutrition Association’s (SNA) 45th annual Legislative Action Conference (LAC), April 2-4.
SNA Releases 2017 Position Paper
SNA has released its 2017 Position Paper, calling on Congress to oppose school meal block grants and bolster school nutrition programs, which offer a vital source of nutrition for more than 30 million students each school day.
SNA National Survey Reveals Increased Efforts to Promote Student Consumption of Healthy Choices
SNA’s “School Nutrition Operations Report: The State of School Nutrition 2016” reveals more school cafeterias are utilizing strategies to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables and other healthy choices, while expanding student access to school meals.
Block Grants Would Slash Millions from School Meal Budgets and Compromise Meal Service for Students
SNA was joined by school nutrition advocates and Members of Congress in warning that block grants would slash school meal program budgets and impede their ability to serve students in need.