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Big news!  During SNA’s 2024 Annual National Conference (ANC24), SNA’s Delegate Assembly approved improvements to SNA’s election system. SNA is transitioning to a vetted slate election to improve the process; address challenges in recruiting qualified candidates and ensure SNA’s Board continues to reflect the diversity of SNA members and their districts. Voters will see changes to the ballot in February 2025. 

What stays the same: Candidate nominations will still be open to all eligible members in September, and members will continue to cast their votes for SNA leaders each February.  

What changes: Instead of choosing between individual candidates, members will vote for or against a slate of candidates (one candidate per open position). Candidates on the slate will be selected by the Leadership Development Committee (LDC) after thorough vetting. 

  • To ensure the recruitment and selection process is fair and results in a slate with the most qualified candidates, SNA is creating a Skills & Competencies Committee to guide LDC’s recruitment and selection process. 
  • The Committee will determine and publish the qualification criteria for Board and LDC candidates.   

Will your vote still count? YES! The slate must be approved by 50% of voters! Members voting against the slate will provide feedback to help LDC address voter concerns when revising a slate that doesn’t pass and vetting future candidates. 

Learn more: This FAQ provides details on the changes and the related updates to SNA’s Bylaws. Interested in being part of the process? Click here to learn how you can become an SNA volunteer leader 


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