Get more involved by becoming a volunteer!
Volunteering with SNA is not just about giving your time—it’s about making a real impact on school nutrition programs. Our dedicated volunteers are passionate about improving the lives of students and staff by supporting our mission, and in return, they gain personal satisfaction and professional growth. From contributing your unique skills to collaborating with like-minded professionals, volunteering offers opportunities for learning, networking and leaving a lasting mark on the future of school nutrition and the Association itself. If this resonates with you, we invite you to explore our volunteer opportunities and join us!

Committees & Councils
SNA Committees and Councils are made up of appointed SNA members from around the country. They work to further the mission of SNA in alignment with the Strategic Plan. Each spring, the SNA Board of Directors’ President-elect makes their appointments to the open positions on the SNA committees and councils from the individuals who filled out a Volunteer Interest Form. All individuals who fill out this form will be informed either way if they were selected by late spring/early summer. All committees and councils currently meet virtually several times a year and each position serves a two year term, unless deemed otherwise, beginning on August 1.
Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form by clicking HERE to be considered.
Learn more about our Committees and Councils by clicking HERE.
Micro-volunteering opportunities are perfect for those who prefer one-time or short-term commitments. These roles can include activities like reviewing awards, writing an article, reviewing education session proposals.
Check out the current list of micro-volunteering opportunities below. The list is updated monthly, so be sure to visit regularly! Let us know what opportunities you'd be interested in by filling out the Volunteer Interest Form found HERE.
Subject Matter Experts
SNA's Professional Development department is looking to diversify our pool of subject matter experts (SME) and trainers with depth of knowledge and expertise on the topics critical to the field of school nutrition. We consider a SME to be someone who would feel comfortable leading a training, speaking on a webinar, writing an article, creating training content, and more.
Let us know if you are interested in being an SNA SME by filling out the interest form by clicking HERE.