Introducing the NSLW25 logos, designed to reflect the rich diversity of cultural foods and travel imagery associated with our celebration of school nutrition. Available in both English and Spanish, these logos come in several variations to meet your promotional needs effectively.

Terms of Use

SNA has established usage guidelines for the NSLW and NSBW logos, which includes restricting the use for only non-profit promotion of the two celebrations.

  • Examples of acceptable usage include placing a NSLW or NSBW logo on a school menu or in a publication or flyer promoting the weeks.
  • Use of the NSLW or NSBW logos on T-shirts, other clothing and merchandise is not allowed. If you’re interested in official NSLW or NSBW T-shirts and other merchandise, please visit the SNA Shop.
  • NSLW and NSBW logos may not be used in industry advertisements or other marketing materials.
    • Industry members wishing to use the official logo on marketing materials must submit a request to our Marketing Manager Michael Pereira at at least four weeks in advance of usage. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Related Resources