Social Media Graphics

This toolkit provides pre-made posts that you can share directly to your social media before and during the week to build excitement and engage your community.

Interested in personalizing your posts? Access even more customizable images where you can add details about your school’s celebration and photos using our Canva template.

NSBW25 Brand Guide

The NSBW Brand Guide provides all the details you need to stay on-brand, including official colors with HEX codes and fonts, so you can seamlessly design your own materials that match the NSBW theme.

NSBW25 Pinterest Board

Visit the official NSBW25 Pinterest board! Discover dozens of creative pins featuring decoration ideas, menu inspiration, and fun DIY projects to bring your National School Breakfast Week to life!

NSBW25 Spotify Playlist

This detective and spy-inspired playlist is perfect for setting the mood in the cafeteria, serving area or while decorating and preparing for NSBW25.

Customizable Press Release

Let your local media know that National School Breakfast Week is a newsworthy story with a customizable media release. Add your district’s information and send it out to local media prior to NSBW25.


Make it official! Download the sample proclamation and fill in your school or district’s specific information. You can also request that the mayor or city council proclaim it is National School Breakfast Week in your city or town.

NSBW25 Digital Meeting Backgrounds

Add a detective-themed touch to your virtual meetings with NSBW25 digital backgrounds while you plan and celebrate!

Official NSBW25 Logos and Elements

Download the official 2025 National School Breakfast Week logos (available in English and Spanish) to help promote your celebration.

Terms of Use

SNA has established usage guidelines for the NSLW and NSBW logos, which includes restricting the use for only non-profit promotion of the two celebrations.

  • Examples of acceptable usage include placing a NSLW or NSBW logo on a school menu or in a publication or flyer promoting the weeks.
  • Use of the NSLW or NSBW logos on T-shirts, other clothing and merchandise is not allowed. If you’re interested in official NSLW or NSBW T-shirts and other merchandise, please visit the SNA Shop.
  • NSLW and NSBW logos may not be used in industry advertisements or other marketing materials.
    • Industry members wishing to use the official logo on marketing materials must submit a request to our Marketing Manager Michael Pereira at at least four weeks in advance of usage. Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Year Added


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