Editor’s Note
Greetings Readers! The Journal of Child Nutrition and Management is YOUR source for research or evidence-based information to guide decisions.…
Farm-To-School Product Purchasing Frequencies Reported By School Food Service Employees
In 1998, the National Commission on Small Farms highlighted the need to develop local food systems to stop the decline…
ICN Research Summary Current Research Studies
Keith Rushing, PhD, RD Director of Applied Research Division Institute of Child Nutrition Keith.Rushing@usm.edu The Institute of Child Nutrition, Applied…
Implementation and Evaluation of Farm-to-YOUth! A Fruit and Vegetable Produce Education Program
Most children in the United States do not eat the recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables, with about 60 and…
Institute of Child Nutrition Research Update
Alternative Breakfast, Special Provisions, and Discipline Outcomes Alicia Landry PhD, RDN, LDN, SNS and Stephanie Alsbrook MS, RDN; University of…
Management Of Food Allergies In Schools
Food allergies in the school nutrition environment continue to be an important food safety concern affecting approximately one in 25…
Recognition Of JCNM Reviewers
The hallmark of a research journal is that submissions undergo a peer-review process. This peer review process helps ensure that…
The Impact The Smarter Lunchroom Movement Strategies Have On School Children’s Healthy Food Selection And Consumption: A Systematic Review
In 2016, 30.4 million United States (US) children participated in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) (USDA, 2017). This program…
Time To Eat School Lunch Affects Elementary Students’ Nutrient Consumption
Schools are consistently identified as an optimum setting for establishing health habits in children (IOM, 2012). Revisions to the school…