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Greetings Readers! The Journal of Child Nutrition and Management is YOUR source for research or evidence-based information to guide decisions. Data driven decision making which is based on research or evidence is a best practice. Submissions are accepted in four categories: Commentary, Current Issues, Practical Solutions, and Research in Action.
Every article is reviewed by two or three individuals familiar with school nutrition programs and who have earned at least a Master’s degree in a related area of study. We are fortunate to have a dedicated group of Reviewers. Those who provided a review for submissions considered for both Issues of this Volume of the Journal are acknowledged. A sincere “Thank You” to them for taking the time to carefully consider submissions, determine whether these meet stated guidelines, and contribute to the body of knowledge in school nutrition. The goal of the Journal is to provide readers with useful and relevant information. Reviewers contribute to the Journal meeting this goal. As Editor, I value their expertise and the collegiality shown when accepting invitations to review. If you are interested in serving as a Reviewer, please complete this form or contact me at cstrohbehn@gmail.com.
Last April, the Nutrition and Research Committee identified the theme of Special Diets for a dedicated issue of the Journal. Thus, the November 2019 issue will focus on this topic. A call for submissions has been released. Please consider sharing any of your successes and/or challenges in responding to Special Diets or research in this area. See the flyer posted on the web site and read forthcoming web blasts for more information.
This issue of the Journal has four Research in Action papers, and one manuscript published in the category of Practical Solutions. The Research paper by Sauer, Patten, Roberts and Schartz investigates strategies to manage food allergies in schools. This national study provides insights into actions taken and offers recommendations for future research.
Mumby, Leineweber, and Andrade conducted a systematic review of the literature about the impact of the Smarter Lunchroom Movement on children’s healthy food selection and consumption. In this article, a summary of what has worked, and what has not, are provided. Those involved with research and readers working in operations will find this review helpful.
Another research article investigates the effect of the amount of time elementary children have to actually eat lunch on nutrient consumption. Hildebrand, Millburg Ely, Betts, and Gates provide evidence that consideration of actual time to eat should be given when scheduling lunch periods.
In the fourth research article in this issue, Drs. Stokes and Arendt provide an analysis of purchases of different categories of foods as part of farm to school programs. This article provides evidence that foods other than fruits and vegetables, are purchased from local sources for use in school meals. This information can guide decision making by producers and buyers.
Holben and Weber provide a description of the implementation, and evaluation of a farm-student connection program called Farm-to-YOUth in their Practical Solutions article.
Dr. Keith Rushing, Director of the Research Arm of the Institute of Child Nutrition gives us an update on research projects underway. Abstracts from Research Posters presented at the Child Nutrition Showcase during School Nutrition Association’s Annual National Conference can also be found in this issue of your Journal.