Season Two of “School Food for Thought” is out now! Grab your headphones and listen as you get ready and travel to our 2024 Annual National Conference (ANC24) in Boston.
Dig into Season 2…
Episode 1: Powering Up School Nutrition Advocacy: Cathy Schuchart (Vice President, Government Affairs & Media Relations at SNA) and E. Nichole Taylor (Director of Food Services at Chichester School District, Pa.) discuss practical advocacy tips and the importance of SNA’s support in shaping school nutrition policies.
Episode 2: Behind the Scenes: Roles Beyond the Cafeteria: Kristina Kraushaar (Program Innovator at Rialto Unified School District, Calif.) and Bill Ward (System Support Specialist at Hernando County School District, Florida) share insights into the essential, behind-the-scenes roles that keep school nutrition programs running smoothly.
Episode 3: Designing Delight: Unleashing Creativity in School Nutrition: Jill Riggs (Penn Harris Madison School Corporation, Ind.) and Tory Gibson (floating manager at Myrtle Beach School District, S.C.) showcase their innovative approaches to making school nutrition both effective and fun.
Episode Four: Cultivating Creativity: Innovations in School Nutrition: Amy Faricy (Manager of Menu Services at Douglas County School District, Colo.) and Eric Span (Director of Nutrition Services for Sweetwater Union High School District, Calif.) are transforming school nutrition through innovative approaches such as school gardens and sustainability initiatives.
Episode Five: Greener Futures: Tackling Sustainability and Food Waste in School Nutrition: Diane Grodek (Executive Chef at Austin Independent School District, Texas) and Katie Cossette (School Nutrition Director from St. Vrain Valley Schools, Colo.) discuss their commitment to providing healthy, nutritious meals by thinking outside the box.
Episode Six: Elevating the Lunchroom Experience: Gourmet Tastes and Customer Engagement: Jeanne Reilly (School Nutrition Director at Windham Raymond School District, Maine) and Bettina Applewhite, Applewhite Nutrition, share their experiences in engaging students and keeping up with their evolving taste buds.
Tune in and catch up on missed episodes on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or on the SNA website.