The SNA Certificate and Credentialing Governing Council (Governing Council) is recruiting qualified candidates to serve on the Governing Council and help shape the future of SNA’s Certificate and Credentialing programs. This is a unique opportunity to be actively involved in the direction of these important programs for SNA members.  SNA is also seeking SNS Credential holders who are interested in writing exam questions in the future. 

The Governing Council is an autonomous arm of SNA and is independent in all decision-making regarding the Certificate and Credentialing programs such as the establishment of the policies and procedures; eligibility standards; the development, administration and scoring of the national credentialing examination; operational processes; and selection of its officers and consultants. 

The following Governing Council positions are currently open for nomination or self-nomination. Terms are from August 1-July 31.

  • (2) School Nutrition Practitioners (3-year term)  
  • Newly Credentialed School Nutrition Practitioner (2-year term. Credentialed since January 2022) 
  • (2) State Agency Educators (3-year term)  
  • Industry Representative (3-year term)  

Before applying, please read the Call for Nominations information to review the position descriptions and the nomination process.  

All nomination forms must be received by SNA by 11:59 p.m. ET on May 31, 2024. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at 


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