Meet Lori Adkins
Backed by a long career in K-12 school nutrition, gifted with a natural aptitude for advocacy and service, and possessing an abundance of warmth and charm, Lori Adkins, MS, CHE, SNS, officially stepped into the role of 2022-23 SNA President on July 12, during SNA’s joyful return to an in-person Annual National Conference (ANC) in Orlando, Fla. (see the photo recap beginning on page 42). While Adkins is no stranger to School Nutrition coverage over the years, we enjoyed a recent opportunity to get to know her a little better, exploring her passion for leadership, learning her sources of inspiration and discovering her goals for SNA and its members in the year ahead. Now, it’s our privilege to share with you what we’ve learned about your new Association president, as Adkins, SNA and the entire school nutrition profession face the challenges and opportunities of SY2022-23...
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