July/August 2023
Bridging Child Nutrition and Education
Some schools are already starting back up after a brief summer break, while others have at least another month before students return to the classroom. But regardless of what your district’s first day is, we know you’re excited (and maybe a little bit nervous) about all the opportunities that await in 2023-2024. In this issue, we want to get you thinking about fresh approaches you can take this year and ways to think outside the box to build a better bridge between child nutrition and overall education.
Log into your SNA account and take a look at our coverage found in the July-August 2023 edition of School Nutrition. Here’s what you’ll find:
- Man of the People: Get to know your new President for the 2023-2024 school year, Chris Derico, who wants to ensure all members feel included and are engaged in SNA.
- We See You: These school nutrition professionals might not be front and center in the day-to-day operations, but that doesn’t mean they’re not vital to the success of their programs.
- Yes, Chef!: The chance for students to come behind the serving line and see what it’s like to be a school nutrition professional is an exclusive experience that provides major incentive for good behavior.
- Getting Down to Business: When Nutrition Services partners with the school store, expect great things to happen. The appeal of food drives retail traffic, so this is a win-win collaboration for both parties involved.
- Beyond Browsing: Google offers a whole suite of free tools that your team can—and should—be using to improve efficiency and increase productivity.
- Food Focus: Get Smart About Scratch Cooking: Cooking from scratch can be a major undertaking for your program, so take advantage of the chance to experiment in a smaller format with a la carte options.

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