About the Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council

What is the Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council?

The Certificate & Credentialing Governing Council operates autonomously from the SNA Board of Directors to ensure program integrity for the SNA Certificate and Credentialing professional development programs. Along with the Exam Working Group, the Council helps ensure that SNA’s Certificate and Credentialing Programs are regularly updated to reflect current practices and professional standards requirements in school nutrition.

Meet Our Members

Gina Shell, SNS
Fairfield City School District
Montgomery, AL
Alexis Weber, RDN, SNS
Austintown Local School District
Austintown, OH
Krista Hamilton-Neal, MS, RD, LD, SNS
Stillwater Public Schools
Stillwater, OK
Headshot of Melinda Bonner
Melinda Bonner, MBA, RDN, SNS
Hoover City School District
Hoover, AL
Headshot of Staci Burchfield
Staci Burchfield, SNS
Mooresville City Schools
Mooresville, NC
Dr. Tandy Blackwell, DHPE, MS, RD, SNS
Athens City School District
Athens, AL
State Agency Representative
Denise Courtney, MS, RD, SNS
Massachusetts DESE
Everett, MA
State Agency Representative
Sheila Chastain, MSE, RD, LD, SNS
Arkansas DOE
Bauxite, AR
State Agency Representative
Kenndra Buyalos, SNS
Viriginia DOE
Richmond, VA
Newly Credentialed Practitioner
Mary Gilliam, MBA, SNS
MSD of Wayne Township
Indianapolis, IN
School Administration Official
Duriel Barlow, PhD
East Samford School
Auburn, AL
ICN Representative
Lewanda Morse, PhD
Institute of Child Nutrition
University, MS
Industry Representative
Vinny Giacinto, SNS
Gold Star Foods
Ontario, CA
USDA Representative
Kristen Rowe
USDA/FNS/CN/Team Nutrition
Alexandria, VA
Headshot of Laura Maynard
Staff Advisor
Laura Maynard
School Nutrition Assoc.
Arlington, VA