USDA Professional Standards
SNA’s Annual National Conference to Serve Up Healthy School Meal Solutions
Nearly 6,000 school nutrition professionals from across the country are headed to St. Louis, Missouri, this month for SNA’s 73rd Annual National Conference (ANC), July 14-16.
Non-Universal & Universal Breakfast in the Classroom: Data-Driven Decisions and the Numbers Behind Breakfast in the Classroom
Recently, the School Nutrition Foundation and the Partners for Breakfast in the Classroom hosted a Breakfast Summit. Hear from Houston…
Farm to School: Cafeteria, Classroom, Community
Farm to school enriches the connection communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers through the core elements…
SNA Recognizes 2019 National Industry Member of the Year
SNA will honor Gary Vonck of KeyImpact Sales & Systems as the national Industry Member of the Year at its 73rd Annual National Conference in July in St. Louis, MO.
Best of #SNIC19: Creative Ways to Engage Your School Community
Everyone knows that school nutrition success hinges on integration throughout the school community. But there can be a wide gap…
SNA Celebrates National Award Winners for School Lunch Hero Day (Fri. May 3)
SNA has announced winners of their annual national awards recognizing an exceptional school nutrition director, manager and employee for their efforts.
SNA Responds to School Meal Flexibilities Complaints
SNA has responded to lawsuits regarding USDA’s 2018 final rule on school meal flexibilities.
Best of #SNIC19: The Evolving Agricultural Landscape: Enabling a Plant-Based Future
Not all protein sources are created equal. What will the future of protein look like? Given cultural diversity, dietary trends—including…
Best of #LAC19: Winning Over the Public on School Meals
Legislators, parents, school administrators and media alike all have preconceptions about school meal programs – and too often they are…