Ingredients for Health: Flax Seeds

Sunflower, chia, pumpkin, hemp, poppy—there are a lot of seeds you can incorporate into your diet! Each comes with its own unique flavors and health benefits, but here, we’re focusing on one in particular: flax seeds! Equally referenced as one or two words, these small oil seeds originated in the Middle East and come in brown and golden colors.

How to Eat: Flax seeds come in many forms—you can buy them whole, ground/milled, roasted or as flaxseed oil or powder. Ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil are the easiest forms to incorporate into your diet, and there are plenty of recipe options for both: add ground flaxseed/flaxseed powder to smoothies, baked goods, yogurt or mayo/mustard (for use on sandwiches), or use flaxseed oil in place of salad dressing or for low-heat cooking applications in order to take advantage of its crisp, nutty flavor...