Gotta Have Goals

Thoughtful application of a goal-setting framework can set you and your team on a rewarding path.

It’s easy to think of goal-setting as a practice reserved for certain recurring mile markers, such as the start of the school or calendar year, the beginning of a new project or initiative or even the start of the work week. But goal-setting also can be highly effective when you are smack-dab in the eye of the hurricane! ...

When you find yourself in a time of crisis, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by continually moving goalposts and a seemingly endless line of fires needing to be extinguished. As deadlines creep closer and unfinished tasks begin to pile up, finding a light at the end of the tunnel may appear impossible. One of the best tools to keep in your back pocket for periods like these is goal-setting. By blocking out the unnecessary distractions and zeroing in on what really needs to get done, you can turn what at first seemed like an impassable mountain into a smaller, less-imposing mole-hill...

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