Alternative Income Forms: Understanding What They Are, Why They’re Important, & How They’re Collected  
Alternative income forms are completed by families in replacement of free and reduced-price meal applications when a school or district in certain states utilizes the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This resource details what alternative income forms are, why they are important and how they are collected.

School Meals Application Outreach Toolkit 
This toolkit was created to help school districts get the word out to families about why completing and submitting free and reduced-price school meals applications is particularly important for the 2022-23 school year. The toolkit includes:

  • Guidance about connecting with families
  • Outreach examples from school districts across the country
  • Ready to use and customizable No Kid Hungry resources, available in both English and Spanish.

Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Meal Claiming 101
The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) ensures that all students can participate in school breakfast and lunch at no cost. It also changes how a school nutrition department can count and claim meals and operate point-of-service. This resource explains how meals are counted and claimed at schools using CEP and provides tips for point-of-service.

Strategies for Finding Success with CEP
This resource describes strategies that maximize the benefit of CEP and school nutrition finances. Strategies described in the resource include increasing your ISP, managing program costs, exploring additional avenues for revenue generation and increasing participation in school meals.

Identified Student Percentage (ISP) Management: Increasing & Maximizing Your District’s ISP
Increasing your Identified Student Percentage (ISP) can be one of the most effective ways to boost your school nutrition budget revenue. This resource outlines several ways your district can increase and maximize your ISP. It also includes key grouping tools!

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