A Pilot Study to Compare a Mushroom-Soy-Beef Burger to an All-Beef Burger in School Meals
As we welcome fall weather and colors, we also welcome the new issue for The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management. During this season, we cannot help to think how much the Journal has grown and how much it has contributed to the dissemination of research and other relevant information in the field.
Child Nutrition Showcase
Participatory Marketing of Fruits and Vegetables During School Lunch Bruce M. Abbey, PhD; Christopher Gustafson, PhD; Kate A. Heelan, PhD…
Editor’s Note
As we welcome fall weather and colors, we also welcome the new issue for The Journal of Child Nutrition & Management. During this season, we cannot help to think how much the Journal has grown and how much it has contributed to the dissemination of research and other relevant information in the field.
Exploring Milk and Yogurt Selection in an Urban Universal School Breakfast Program
Research has indicated that eating breakfast greatly contributes to improved academic performance, school attendance, and overall nutrient intake of children…
Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Dietary Patterns of Preadolescents Attending Schools in the Midwest
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 recommend that children and adolescents consume more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and…
Identifying Associations Between Format and Placement of School Salad Bars and Fruit and Vegetable Selection
Approximately 34.7% of all 6 to 19 year old school aged children in the United States are overweight or obese…
Institute of Child Nutrition Research Summary
Mary Frances Nettles, PhD, RD Director of Applied Research Division Institute of Child Nutrition (formerly, National Food Service Management Institute)…
Middle School Cafeteria Food Choice and Waste Prior to Implementation of Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Changes in the National School Lunch Program
The Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA) updated the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) initiating a discussion of food…
Middle School Student Perceptions of School Lunch Following Revised Federal School Meal Guidelines
The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) has a major influence on the diet quality of American school children. Most American…
Opportunities in the Classroom or Cafeteria for a “Tasting Challenge” to Influence First Grade Students’ Willingness to Try New Foods
The National School Lunch Program, which serves approximately 62% of students annually, strives to improve the nutritional intake of students…
Recognition of JCNM Reviewers 2015
The hallmark of a research journal is that manuscripts are peer reviewed. This peer review process helps to ensure that…
Satisfaction of Middle School Lunch Program Participants and Non- Participants with the School Lunch Experience
Diets of middle school children continue to fall short of the U. S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, particularly for fruit…