Inviting your legislator for a behind-the-scenes look at your school nutrition program could make all the difference in preserving funding and flexibilities, and supporting program expansion. The 2020 election year is around the corner and your legislators are looking for opportunities to engage with their communities during their campaigns. A cafeteria site-visit is a win-win for all. Where do you start? Join a panel of experienced school nutrition advocates to get the scoop on the process. We’ll wrap up with a peek at the updated SNA Cafeteria Site Visit Toolkit, your guidebook providing step-by-step instructions.
Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU, or 1 CPEU for RDNs/NDTRs.
Learning Objectives
- Learn what to expect when you’re expecting (a visit).
- Prepare stakeholders and provide persuasive arguments.
- Discover how to take the fear out of visits, clear hurdles, and follow up for a successful experience.
Earning CEUs
- SNA CEUs: 1.00
- Key Area 4: Communications & Marketing
- Key Topic 4100: Communications & Marketing
- Subtopic 4120: Program Promotion
CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
- Activity Number: 150361
Suggested Performance Indicators
- 3.2.3 Pursues and embraces opportunities to advance practice.
- 3.2.6 Communicates with policymakers to influence decisions that impact advancement of the profession.
- 3.2.7 Contributes to the development and revision of government policies.
Suggested Learning Need Codes
- 8110: School foodservice
CPEUs: 1.00
CPE Level: 1,2,3
SNA CDR Provider Number: AM007
Please note that you have the option to submit an evaluation on the quality of this directly to the Commission of Dietetic Registration. Email contact:
SNA CEUs and CPEUs are awarded after the successful completion of the post-webinar quiz.
Non-Member Cost