
3 pm EDT Wednesday, May 17, 2023
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As your school or school district prepares for the upcoming school year, join the School Nutrition Association and the Food Research & Action Center for an interactive webinar on getting your community eligibility questions answered. Ask our panel of experts about grouping, operating at low ISPs, partial district implementation, getting buy-in from different stakeholders, and more.

This will be in a Zoom Meeting format which will allow the audience to use mics and cameras if they choose to engage with the panelists!

Submit your questions in advance here! You can also submit your questions during the webinar.


  1. Communicate the benefits of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to secure buy-in from various district and school-level stakeholders.
  2. Categorize schools into various CEP groupings to maximize a district or schools’ Identified Student Percentage (ISP).
  3. Interpret and analyze operational considerations of partial district implementation of CEP.
  4. Identify factors that influence CEP implementation at a lower ISP.

SNA CEUs: 1.0
Key Area 3000:
Key Topic 3100: Free & Reduced Price Meal Benefits
Subtopic 3130: Understand and Apply Community Eligibility (CE)


Allyson Pérez
Child Nutrition Policy Analyst
Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)

E. Nichole Taylor
Director of Food and Nutrition
Chichester School District
Upper Chichester, PA