SNA and the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) have partnered to bring you a webinar focused on the Community Eligibility Provision, a Federal option that allows high poverty schools to offer free breakfast and lunch to all students.
Community Eligibility also reduces administrative work. It eliminates the need to collect school meal applications and track students by their eligibility for free and reduced-price school meals. It improves economies of scale, because participation in school breakfast and lunch increases when all students eat for free.
The Community Eligibility reimbursement formula determines what percent of meals are reimbursed at the free and paid rates. While districts with identified student percentage (ISPs) of 60 percent or greater receive the free rate for nearly all the meals served, thousands of schools across the country have determined that operating community eligibility with ISPs below 60 percent is the right choice for their district. It is not only financially viable, but it also benefits the students. Join this webinar to learn how other districts have operated Community Eligibility with ISPs below 60% to see if you can make it work in your district.
Successful completion of the webinar and quiz is awarded 1 SNA CEU.
Learning Objectives
- Know the basics of how Community Eligibility works and how schools determine eligibility
- Know and understand ways to operate Community Eligibility with ISPs below 60 percent.
- Know and understand best practices for increasing participation to ensure Community Eligibility is financially viable when operating with ISPs below 60 percent.
Earning CEUs
- SNA CEUs: 1.00
- Key Area 3000: Administration
- Key Topic 3100: Free & Reduced-Price Meal Benefits
- Subtopic 3130: Understand and Apply Community Eligibility (CE)
CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
CPEUs can no longer be credited due to the age of the course. For more information, refer to Section 175 of the Continuing Professional Education Provider Accreditation Program Handbook.
Alison Maurice
Child Nutrition Policy Analyst
Food Research & Action Center
Valerie Crouch, SNS
School Branch Manager
Division of School and Community Nutrition
Kentucky Department of Education
Cathy Alexander, SNS
Executive Director, Nutrition & Wellness
Newport News (Va.) Public Schools
Non-Member Cost