State Affiliates

SNA Welcomes Shannon Gleave as 2024-2025 President
SNA welcomes Shannon Gleave, RDN, SNS, as President for the 2024-25 School Year to represent its membership of 50,000 school nutrition professionals nationwide.

“School Food for Thought” Season Two is now streaming!
Season Two of “School Food for Thought” is out now! Grab your headphones and listen as you get ready and…

SNA Celebrates Its 2023-24 Award Winners
It’s that time of year again, and SNA would like to say “Bravo!” to all our members! Despite the challenges…

Bravo!: A Celebration of SNA 2023-24 Award Winners
Bravo! honors SNA’s state and national award winners and features profiles of SNA’s national Director, Manager, Employee, Industry Member and Recruiter…

Best Foot Forward
2024-25 SNA President Shannon Gleave offers some encouraging words—and a shining example—about stepping up and stepping out of one’s comfort zone and shares her career and leadership journey.

A Continual Learning Curve
Two or three years into the job, foodservice directors continue to make discoveries and adjust to new surprises. So, what’s it like transitioning into this kind of role—and how can you be prepared to do it yourself? We talked to four directors to learn about their experience.

What’s Your Communication Style?
Mastering the art of communication looks different for everyone. But what if there were a playbook to help teams work better together? While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, embracing a blueprint that acknowledges individual communication preferences and tendencies can lay a solid foundation for improved teamwork and collaboration.

Good Morning, World!
When we think of breakfast, we immediately look to our go-to staples: milk, orange juice, cereal, toast, eggs, waffles, sausage and bacon. However, more and more K-12 schools are beginning to embrace a worldly approach to their breakfast offerings, introducing students to a variety of international cuisines. And that’s also important.

The Day We Dug Through Garbage
As the new editor of School Nutrition magazine, I am both honored and excited to build upon the foundation of what’s been established before me. My hope is that as we take on this new chapter together, I invite you, our readers, to join us on a new journey.

Rewards Found Beyond the Comfort Zone
SNA President Shannon Gleave discusses the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone.