Community Eligibility Provision
SNA Partners with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Childhood Obesity Initiative
DianePratt Heavner703 576 7526dpratt heavner@schoolnutrition.orgSNA Partners with First Lady Michelle Obama’s Childhood Obesity Initiative SCHOOL NUTRITION PROFESSIONALS COMMIT TO NEW NUTRITION PROGRAMS AND GOALS NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (February 9, 2010) – The School Nutrition Association (SNA), representing 55,000 school
SNA Applauds President Obama’s Proposed $1 Billion Increase for Child Nutrition Programs
DianePratt Heavner703 739 9300124dpratt heavner@schoolnutrition.orgSNA Applauds President Obama’s Proposed $1 Billion Increase for Child Nutrition ProgramsAs Congress Prepares to Reauthorize the Child Nutrition Act President and First Lady’s Support Emphasizes Need NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (February 1, 2010) – Following the release of
Food Safety a Priority for School Nutrition Programs
DianePratt Heavner301 686 3100124media@schoolnutrition.orgFood Safety a Priority for School Nutrition ProgramsNATIONAL HARBOR, Md. (December 16, 2009) – Through strict food safety procedures and employee training, school nutrition programs maintain an excellent food safety record. The School Nutrition Association (SNA) and
Dan Glickman to Receive 2010 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award for Child Nutrition
PaulAlberghine301 686 3100126palberghine@schoolnutrition.orgDan Glickman To Receive 2010 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award for Child NutritionNATIONAL HARBOR, Md., October 28, 2009 – The 2010 Gene White Lifetime Achievement Award for Child Nutrition will be awarded to Dan Glickman, former U.S. Secretary
SNA Releases 2014 Position Paper
January 15, 2014 – The School Nutrition Association (SNA), a national non-profit representing 55,000 school nutrition professionals, has released its 2014 Position Paper, which outlines the Association’s advocacy efforts.
Grain Protein Limits for School Meals Permanently Lifted
January 2, 2014 – School Nutrition Association (SNA) members applaud the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) new rule to permanently eliminate overly restrictive weekly limits on the grains and proteins served with school meals.
SNA Comments on Competitive Food Rule
June 27, 2013 – The US Department of Agriculture has released an interim final rule to establish nutrition standards for “competitive” foods and beverages sold in school a la carte lines, vending machines and snack bars during the school day.
School Nutrition Association Submits Comments on Proposed Competitive Food Regulations
March 25, 2013 – The School Nutrition Association (SNA) has submitted comments in response to the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) proposed regulations to establish nutrition standards for “competitive” foods and beverages.
School Nutrition Association Endorses the Bipartisan School Nutrition Flexibility Act
March 21, 2013 – The School Nutrition Association (SNA) has endorsed H.R. 1303, the School Nutrition Flexibility Act, bipartisan legislation introduced yesterday by Representatives Steve Stivers (R-OH) and Marcia Fudge (D-OH). H.R. 1303 would permanently eliminate weekly maximums on grains and proteins served with school meals.
School Nutrition Professionals Discuss New Nutrition Standards and Assess Challenges at SNA’s Legislative Action Conference
March 3, 2013 – Approximately 1,000 school nutrition professionals from across the nation have gathered in Washington, D.C. for School Nutrition Association’s (SNA) 41st annual Legislative Action Conference (LAC).