Community Eligibility Provision
Press Release
SNA President Testifies on School Meal Successes and Challenges
SNA President Julia Bauscher testified before the House Education and Workforce Committee to the value school meal programs provide students and the importance of meal program viability.
Press Release
School Nutrition Professionals Head to Capitol Hill Calling for School Meal Funding & Flexibility
Nearly 1,000 school nutrition professionals from across the country will head to Capitol Hill on Tuesday, March 3, as part of SNA’s 43rd annual Legislative Action Conference (LAC).
Press Release
SNA Releases 2015 Position Paper Calling for Greater Funding and Flexibility for School Meal Programs
SNA has released its 2015 Position Paper, outlining the Association’s advocacy efforts as Congress prepares to reauthorize the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 this year.