Listen Better to Lead Better

Tune in and tune up your active listening skills to effectively manage and resolve conflict.

If you live with adolescents as I do, you’re probably all too familiar with the feeling of being tuned out. My teen daughters readily admit, “When you talk, sometimes I zone out. I hear noise and words, but don’t process what you say.” Those old Peanuts cartoons on television got it exactly right when it came to the dialogue of the adults: “wah wah wah wah.”

How about you? It’s one thing to experience the casual dismissal of teenagers, but can you relate to being “tuned out” at work? Do you ever experience people only half-listening to what you say? How does it make you feel when it happens? Diminished, demoralized, isolated, insecure, frustrated, angry, all of the above? You’re not alone...

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