Cultural Connections

May is Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. Reserve some time to raise your own awareness about the contributions of the fastest-growing ethnic groups in the U.S.

Each May is designated as an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions that Americans of Asian and Pacific Island heritage have made throughout U.S. history. While there is no consensus on the official name of this Heritage Month—alternately referred to by reputable sources as Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI), Asian Pacific American (APA) and, most recently by the Biden administration, as Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI)—there is no debate about the importance of being intentional and proactive in your recognition as a valuable strategy in raising community awareness and eliminating stereotypes and racism.

The resilience and innovations of people of Asian and Pacific Island descent have helped shape every facet of U.S. society from business to government, from the arts to athletics, from science to humanities. AANHPI Heritage Month is a time to recognize the influence of this community, to address their ongoing marginalization in too many ways and to learn about the cultural practices many immigrant families brought to the U.S. from their native countries. ...

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