January 2021
School Nutrition: Your Path to a Brighter Tomorrow
The new year is finally here, but the challenges still exist—and the emotional and physical ramifications of everything you dealt with in 2020 haven’t disappeared. The January 2021 issue of School Nutrition , the annual personal development issue, aims to help you take care of yourself through self-care to create a path to a brighter tomorrow.
Log into your SNA account and scroll down to read this month's articles, view the digital issue or download a PDF of the magazine to print or share. Here's what's covered:
- “Self-care” is more than a trendy hashtag on social media. In “ 16 Research-Backed Ways to Practice Self-Care,” by Contributing Editor Kelsey Casselbury, discover which activities and practices—from snuggling with a pet to getting outside—are scientifically proven to improve your mood and make you feel better.
- Taking care of yourself isn’t always about adopting new behaviors—sometimes you can purchase a product to help. Writer Dylan Roche in “ 7 Products to Soothe the Soul” lists items, all of which have been vetted by experts, that will help you on your journey to self-care.
- Burnout is a real threat, especially during the current school year. Learn the signs of burnout and what you can do to avoid it, as well as help your team, in “ Going Down in Flames?” by Editor Patricia L. Fitzgerald.
- The past year has provided a multitude of opportunities for grief, whether it’s grieving the loss of a loved one or grieving the loss of your life prior to COVID-19. In “ The Path to Coping with Grief,” by Contributing Editor Christina Uticone, find out about the types and signs of grief and how to address your grief.
- In “ The Fundamentals of Flavor,” by Contributing Editor Kelsey Casselbury, learn how to take your culinary skills to the next level by mastering the essential elements of salt, fat, acid and heat.
Additionally, School Nutrition debuts the candidates for SNA vice president—learn more about these dedicated members today! Plus, the School Nutrition Association continues to celebrate its 75th anniversary with interviews featuring the leaders of yesterday, today and tomorrow. This month, Kevin Ponce, SNS, (2019 FAME Golden Foodservice Director of the Year), Danielle Bock, SNS (Director of Nutrition Services, Greeley-Evans Weld County (Colo.) School District 6), and Rebecca Polson, CC, SNS (Culinary Supervisor, Minneapolis (Minn.) Public Schools), reflect on the history of the profession, as well as future opportunities. The January 2021 issue of School Nutrition is available now—read it today!

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