Increasing meal participation is critical for all programs. One of the driving questions many operators have is how to keep their menus relevant to the new generations of students while embracing the diversity of their students. Thanks to the adventurous palates of today’s parents, your students have been exposed to, and come to love, many more dishes with global flavors than previous generations. Join us for an exciting panel discussion where we will show you how you can easily incorporate global flavors in your menu while keeping your food costs down, utilizing USDA Foods and basic pantry staples you likely have on hand.
Learning Objectives
- Identify 3 global flavor profiles and key herbs and spices associated with each.
- Identify 3 ways you can utilize USDA Foods in global flavor dishes.
- Describe how utilizing global flavors promotes diversity in school meals.
Earning CEUs
- SNA CEUs: 1.0
- Key Area 1000: Nutrition
- Key Topic 1100: Menu Planning
- Sub Topic 1170: USDA Foods
CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
- Activity Number: 166113
Suggested Performance Indicators
- 13.2.2 Evaluates and incorporates individual and target group needs and requirements in the development of menu items.
- 13.2.6 Modifies recipes and menus to accommodate economic and cultural needs.
Suggested Learning Need Codes
- 8110: School foodservice
CPEUs: 1.00
CPE Level: 1
SNA CDR Provider Number: AM007
Please note that you have the option to submit an evaluation of the quality of this conference directly to the Commission of Dietetic Registration. Email contact:cdr@eatright.org
Non-Member Cost