Potatoes USA’s Culinary Director, RJ Harvey, teams up with School Meals That Rock’s Dayle Hayes to showcase fresh and fun ways to enhance summer feeding programs – from off-site grab n’ go solutions to using potatoes as a center of plate option, learn how to serve up summer fun with potatoes. A cooking demo with new recipes will be shared in this session!
Learning Objectives
- Discuss how to optimize off-site summer feeding with innovative potato items.
- List two potato nutrition myths and how to share accurate facts with customers.
- Explore the nutrition benefits and attributes of potatoes and how they benefit students.
- Describe how to rethink summer menus with fun, kid-friendly, creative potato menus.
Earning CEUs
- SNA CEUs: 1.0
- Key Area 1000: Nutrition
- Key Topic 1100: Menu Planning
- Key Sub-Topic 1170: USDA Foods
CPEUs for RDNs and NDTRs
- Activity Number: 170198
Suggested Performance Indicators
- 8.5.1 Plans and designs nutritionally sound meals, menus and meal plans that promote health and disease management, and meet client needs.
- 8.5.3 Uses a variety of cooking techniques, food preparation methods and production and delivery systems.
- 8.5.4 Takes into consideration client/patient choices, beliefs, food sensitivities, allergies, and accessibility and affordability of food.
Suggested Learning Need Codes
- 8110: School foodservice
CPEUs: 1.00
CPE Level: 1
SNA CDR Provider Number: AM007
Please note that you have the option to submit an evaluation of the quality of this webinar directly to the Commission of Dietetic Registration. Email contact: QualityCPE@eatright.org
Non-Member Cost